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Free Metal Removal!

When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Said someone, somewhere. His name is out there if you want to Google it. What I'm trying to say is times are tough...

In our pursuit of providing the highest quality of service possible, there are some things we cannot do and prices we simply cannot charge. Free is one of them.

Topeka, as It's Topeka My Dudes as it is, has some great and hard-working individuals and organizations.

Today we will highlight one of them. What this means for you is a great resource on your roster when you need to get rid of metal for free.

His name... John. Junkin John. The service he provides is simple, free metal removal. I'll attach his card and when you need a washer, dryer, fridge or miscellaneous metal removed for free, give him a call.

I know it's hard to beat free, BUT if for insurance reasons, convenience, saving your back, HOA or whatever other reason you'd rather let us do the work for you check out our Quick Quote form or give me a call, shoot me a text at 785-730-4342.


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